Friday Evening Ferry
November 17, 2006
Red sky at night, blah, blah, blah.
My cold is (mostly) gone and I'm just glad it stopped raining. By the look of the clouds above — tomorrow looks like it might be a psychelectrodelica type of day. But, I'd just settle for a little sun.
Go Home Productions: Psychelectrodelica(2003)
(Download: Go Home Productions: Psychelectrodelica(2003))
Go Home Productions: Rapture Riders (Blondie vs. The Doors)
(Buy: Go Home Productions: Rapture Riders)
Hey Mushi
Sorry the fact that my pages occasionally have run an Amazon ad...
If that's all it takes to keep you away from my site... I suppose yer boycotting about 7/8ths of the english speaking internet. High Five!!!
In fact, I sorta gotta wonder what isn't off limits to you by now.
But i don't have time because I'm late for my next job...
Hey, i see your tracks are hosted by yousendit.com who use, egads!, actual "ads" provided by doubleclick for companies like Coke, AT& T etc to support their service.
I suppose you are boycotting that soon as well...
I sure hope you didn't notice that I also occasionally provide links to sites that sell music & dvds of the artists i mention. ..
which sucks for them I suppose because occasionally people buy their products...
promoting more evil, I know...
and yep the ad companies chit me out a few pennies here and there... less $200 a YEAR but it's all i can do to help drown out my hosting costs. Which with some 2500+ multiple file sucking vampires a week, i need to pay now.
i don't even want to tell you that i have to work for a living...
yep, sometimes for companies that sell stuff, some of 'em are ...yep you guessed it... marketing companies...
who enable me to pay rent in one of the most expensive cities in North America...
dough that i give to my landlord, who is a bartender, and he in turn takes the dough to pay his taxes, and his mortgage to an evil multinational banking firm, and then with what's left, puts meat on his table, gas in his car...
meat that came from innocent animals shot up with drugs & antibiotics then slaughtered in factory processing plants...
the gas powering his mercedes is made by evil oil companies...and then he pollutes the earth when he drives to work...
where he serves booze made by some of the world's largest corporations merely to harm the livers & brains of his customers...
it's a tradgedy really...
i am complicit & ashamed...
then i go home & read the internet & cry because you figured out how horrible I really am ...
All in moderation, dude. Thanks for the tirade though — that's what always made me enjoy your site.
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