Fly that flag on the ferry, FREAK!
It's because somebody fought somebody, that I'm able to let my freak flag fly. Or, that's what somebody who fought — would tell somebody like myself — who doesn't believe in such fighting.
Have a great weekend, on whichever side of this issue you may stand. (And, 'Don't Drink and Drive!')
'You know kids, I wish every mom and dad would make a speech to their teenagers and say, "Kids, be free, be whatever you are, do whatever you want to do, just so long as you don't hurt anybody. And, remember kids, I am your friend."
I would just like to say that it is my conviction
That longer hair and other flamboyant affectations
Of appearance are nothing more
Than the male's emergence from his drab camouflage
Into the gaudy plumage
Which is the birthright of his sex
There is a peculiar notion that elegant plumage
And fine feathers are not proper for the male
When actually
That is the way things are
In most species'
– My Conviction, from Hair: The American Tribal Love Rock Musical Lyrics: Gerome Ragni + James Rado
'Om mane padme om
On mane padme om
Folding the flag means taking care of the nation.
Folding the flag is putting it to bed for the night.
I fell through a hole in the flag
I'm falling through a hole in the flag
Don't put it down
Best one around
Crazy for the red blue and white
Crazy for the red blue and white
You look at me
What do you see
Crazy for the white red and blue
Crazy for the white red and blue
Cause I look different
You think I'm subversive
Crazy for the blue white and red
Crazy for the blue white and red
My heart beats true
For the red white and blue
Crazy for the blue white and red
Crazy for the blue white and red
And yellow fringe
Crazy for the blue white red and yellow'
– Don't Put It Down, from Hair: The American Tribal Love Rock Musical Lyrics: Gerome Ragni + James Rado
I Got Life
My Conviction
Walking In Space
And one for good measure, and Memorial Day (or Patriot's Day, or Patriot Day, or Veteran's Day, or Flag Day, or whatever the holiday is that you celebrate your life — which should be everyday, babies!)
Don't Put It Down
(Buy: Hair: The American Tribal Love Rock Musical – The Original Broadway Cast Recording (1968))
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