"Yes, I'm just rowing up to the dock (in my floppy 'I'm on vacation, and I don't care how stupid I look on a cell phone rowing a boat' hat on) now. Where are you? Oh, yeah, I can see you from here."
Nauti-call Lymie
Rockland Harbor
June 29, 2007
I'm not sure if you've heard anything about this yet but, apparently, Apple has come out with some type of new 'phone' thingie, and people (which so far includes, the media, anybody owning stocks in Apple, and maybe that tool in the picture above, although my guess would be that he is PC all the way) are pretty darn giddy.
So, here's the deals, as I think I understand them. The iPhone itself, is only about $500. to $600. depending on how much money you have, and how much memory you require. (But, orders are limited to two per customer, so please, don't get greedy!)
You'll also be required to sign up for a two-year AT&T service agreement and an activation fee (and are subject to AT&T credit approval). The minimum plan prices out at $59.99 per month (or, $1,439.76 over the two-year required contract), not including any service charges (and, being AT&T, you know there will be plenty), which will only 450 minutes (which is only 7.5 hours. But who talks more than that on the phone in a month?) of talk time a month.
Intrigued yet?
Well, if you're coming out to The Rock, don't be — because your iPhone (or, cellphone for that matter) won't work here. (That would be another one of those great things about living out on The Rock.)
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